Friday, July 29, 2011
Reflections from a 4 Year Veteran
What an amazing week in the Dominican Republic. I once again had the privilege of traveling to the Dominican Republic for the fourth year in a row. Although I have been three previous times the sights, sounds, and smells never get old. Every time that I have gone to the Dominican Republic my appreciation for the smallest things has grown stronger and stronger. The impact that this program has had on me is incredible and I am certainly a different person because of it.
The moment we landed in the Dominican Republic I felt as though I was at home. When we got to see our Dominican friends it was like a family reunion. The moment we saw one another there were hugs and handshakes and welcomes exchanged between everyone. The Dominican teens have helped me so much through out all of my trips and I would have certainly been lost without them. They are always so willing to help out and to translate anything for us. They definitely are one of if not the main reason this program runs so smoothly.
Our service project went great. We were able to plant around 100 trees on the school property and replant about another 7. This was by no means an easy task. Their ground is composed primarily of limestone so it took a while to plant the trees and in some spots it was impossible. We would have needed a jack hammer to get through all the rock that was in some spots where they wanted to have some trees planted; seeing as though we had no jack hammer we changed the tree location. While on a water break I was talking to a Dominican teen and she over heard a local talking outside the fence and she said that the local said “hey look, Americans can work too!” I took this as a compliment because most people see Americans as lazy and for them to see us out there working was a good thing. After our service project we went to deliver our school supplies we collected and to walk through the town. The teacher of the school was so thankful to receive everything and I gained a greater appreciation for being able to have the simplest school supplies. Walking through the town was also another example of just how appreciative Dominicans are of the smallest things. While walking we handed out candy to them and they were so happy. It’s just so rewarding for me to see them smile and know that we probably just made their day by giving them several pieces of candy.
On the first day of day camp I had a wonderful experience. I was outside throwing Frisbee with a Dominican teen when I heard a voice call my name. I turned to see who it was and it was my favorite day camper from last year, Grendi!! The reason this was such a great experience was because I must have had some impact on him in order for him to remember me. This was a very satisfying experience and one that I will never forget. I don’t think I fully understand the impact that each one of us counselors has on the Dominican children’s lives. On the last day of day camp each child receives a gift bag containing crafts they made over the two days and other things such a stickers, pencils, bouncy ball, etc. The smile that comes across their face when they look in that bag is priceless. They are so thankful for simple things like pencils, stickers, and bouncy balls. Most American children would frown at the fact that they got pencils and stickers but these children are elated. They are happy to get anything and they are so thankful.
We all take for granted our simple ability to have fresh and pure drinking water without even thinking twice about the idea that it could be infested with all kinds of harmful bacteria. For the majority of people in the Dominican this is a constant concern. Although they most likely know that their water is filled with harmful bacteria some must drink it because they have no other means to get water. It’s so sad to see and to think about how many people are drinking this water and how many people will get sick and possibly die from it. It’s as though one thing every human must do to stay alive (drink water) is deteriorating their health. I am now more than ever, thankful for every drop of water that I drink because I know that it’s pure and I don’t have to worry about it containing any harmful pathogens. I just wished that every American could see just how fortunate we really are.
Another thing that I am now thankful for that I never really thought I would be is our waste management system. Walking through the local town and city of Higuey made me realize just how fortunate we are. The streets we filled with trash of all kinds and discarded food. Even if they were to put all the trash in trash cans there would still be no collection service and the trash cans would eventually overflow into the streets once again. It is sad to see all the trash that litters the streets and the kids who walk around barefoot.
Due to this program I feel as though I have grown leaps and bounds as a person and as a citizen of the United States. I am now so thankful for the smallest things and don’t take anything for granted. Also, I realize now that when things aren’t going my way and I think that things couldn’t get any worse I know they can and I just need to be appreciative for what I have because in the grand scheme of things my life isn’t bad at all and others would do anything to live the life I have.
By: Bryan Liskey, Shenandoah County
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Reflections from Bobby Loveland
The Dominican Republic is very beautiful but it does have an ugly side, the sanitation of water and food is nowhere near the sanitation of U.S. food and water. Although some cities are poor and dirty, people just live their everyday lives as if they lived in a nicer place. Dominican people are SO friendly. When walking by some people, they would smile and tell you hello. Whenever seeing the Dominican teens, you would either get a high- five or a hug.
Now that I'm home, I don't waste as much water. Seeing the devastation that their water system is in, I really drink every last drop. This program has not necessarily showed me a specific career path, but it probably has opened up a lot of doors. This truly is a life changing experience and I would definitely recommend it to other 4-Her's. It is important to carry on with this program because it really introduces you to an entirely different place, culture, and way of living. An overall wonderful trip
BOBBY LOVELAND, Shenandoah County
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
VII/XV/XI – VII/XXII/XI, Republica Dominicana
All I can say is wow. What I was expecting to be a regular, humdrum 4-H trip turned out to be so much more; from amazing friends, daily rice, and of course the scenic beauty.
I suppose I’ll start from the beginning with my 2:30 a.m. wake up call. After having a few hours of sleep I popped tall as my alarm went off and I headed to the car excited to meet my fellow counselors and board my first foreign bound plane. After meeting at the Shenandoah County Extension Office to rendezvous with the southern counties, we all hopped into our vehicles for an hour plus ride to Reagan National Airport. The ride there was fairly uneventful because, as you would imagine, everyone was sleeping; however, the excitement rose as we reached the airport. After checking our bags in, going through security, and waiting an hour to board the plane we were finally Dominican bound!
My first sight of the Dominican Republic was coral reefs we could see from the plane and I was amazed at how clear the waters were. I had never been to the Caribbean before so the absolute clarity of the water was something new to someone who was used to the dark, choppy waters of the Atlantic. Once I stepped off the plane I was greeted by a wave of heat and humidity, but surprisingly enough it wasn't any worse than Virginia in my opinion. The ride to Punta Cana was relatively uneventful and I was engrossed with the island scenery, it was so different from what I am used to! When we arrived at the hotel we immediately headed to our rooms after checking in to unpack and have a little bit of down time.
Meeting the Dominican teens the next day was a great way to start our week; from just meeting Jean Paul, Joanna, Nicole, Laura, and Melissa I could tell we were going to have a fantastic time. They were more than helpful throughout the entire week and were always fun to hang out with whenever we had free time!
Our service project for the week consisted of going to the Polytechnic High School in Veron. The day started off pretty well; our mission was to plant 100 leafy shrubs around the school grounds. Easy right? Well we thought so too, until of course we realized that the Dominican soil there is primarily limestone and that the school’s foundation essentially covered the entire property. Nonetheless, the boys went straight to work and a few lucky ladies helped as well. I helped to move the shrubs to where they were to be planted, mowed some of the property, and planted trees that needed to be relocated. It was hot and sweaty, but definitely worth it after seeing the end results.
After finishing our main project we went even further into Veron to another school where we delivered much needed supplies for the upcoming year. Students and children from the area were outside the gates watching us make our deliveries and were ready to play once we finished. For a bit we kicked/tossed/head bumped a soccer ball around and then handed out candy much to their delight. However, time was running short and we wanted to walk around the village before we had to leave. As we were walking I noticed that the homes were very decrepit and definitely not what I am used to. It made me wonder how I well I would survive; being that I am spoiled. I have always had plenty of food, a roof over my head, clothes, and extras that some people would die for. I was also a tad shocked to see so many feral cats and dogs running around. I am so used to just walking up and petting animals, but down in the DR I couldn't for fear of getting bit or scratched; a downer for an animal lover like myself. I also saw more trash than I would like to recall; it was EVERYWHERE. The streets, alongside houses, and fields; I never realized how lucky I am to have free waste disposal. Talk about eye opening.
However, the kids day camp was probably the highlight of my entire week; funnily enough the language barrier was no problem at all. While I couldn't understand many of campers verbally we were able to understand one another via body language and the like. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be as easy as it was, and if we still couldn't understand each other the Dominican teens were always ready to help. I had a blast tie dying, painting, and swimming with the campers. Voila, Besty, Grendi, and Nikki are just a few of the campers I had an amazing time with and I hope that they’ll be there next year to play Uno and jump rope with me!
Higuey was the next stop on our list and it really was a great city to go to. Our first stop was at the farmers’/ meat markets and I really enjoyed the entire experience. I thought that it was really neat how the animal that was slaughtered that day had its head placed beneath the table where its meat was being sold; easy way to I.D. Bartering was also something entirely new to me and I’m still not sure if I like it. Almost every vendor I met would say something along the lines of “I like you, I make a deal for you”. In my head I knew what was going on, these guys knew how to wheel and deal. I’m fairly sure they suckered me a few times, but you have to do what you have to do. One item that I’m really glad that I purchased is my larimar jewelry. They really are beautiful stones and unique to the Dominican area.
The free time was also a blast at the resort! I went snorkeling for the first time and saw a barracuda! Talk about awesome! I also visited freshwater lagoons for the first time and they were simply amazing. It was refreshing to swim in cold spring water and jumping off of the ledges was fun! I would also be remiss to not mention the beach; gorgeous. It was so relaxing to just sit down in a chair beneath the palms and sleep.
Overall, I had a fantastic time in the Dominican Republic! Major impressions for me started with the food; it is so much healthier than the American lifestyle. Rice accompanying two meals a day was more delicious than I would have thought and fresh fruit was always a must. After a week of eating DR foods I can honestly say my stomach got a little upset when I had Burger King as soon as I got back in the states. There was also a startling difference between classes in the DR. It appeared to me that you were either considered rich or poor; no in between. I think that was more of a culture shock for me because in America the largest population is middle class. Finally, the Dominican hospitality was by far one of the best memories I will carry. No matter where I went there were always smiles and waves; way different from large, American cities. The farewell party at Jean Paul’s and Joanna’s demonstrated just some of their country’s hospitality and cuisine. I simply cannot wait until next year!
Much thanks to all of our supporters and donors! It would not have been possible without you!
Hallie Harriman, Shenandoah County
Reflections of a Veteran
Last years trip was as expected. They, as in Carol and Christine, told us all about how we would be operating on Dominican time and what to expect from the trip. And all that was expected happened with a few kinks but nothing more. It was a satisfactory trip. Better than any other camps or trips that I have been on but still lacking a spark. This year on the other hand, I experienced a lot more of the culture of the area. Whereas last time I would think, "Oh look a very large basilica with modern architecture." This year I was thinking something like, "It is amazing how they pieced together metal and stone to create this beacon of sanctity for all the traveling pilgrims around." Last year I went in and was just faced with the plain picture of the culture. I saw how they lived and everything else about the culture but this year I saw the world behind the picture. Instead of gazing solely at the meat hanging on pegs with flies all over it, I noticed how small the butcher shops were and how many there were. In one phrase I would say that it was like I finally opened my eyes.
I have grown to love the Dominican Republic over the last two years and just breathing in the air walking down a road there I would feel relaxed and calm for once in my life. Even parts of the language comes easy to me. I can get a conversation going until after the whole 'Hola, como estas, bien, y tu' part. But that setback has made me want to try even harder to learn the language. Because of all this I have decided that I would like to major in International Studies when I go to college. Maybe a minor in Spanish would both improve my espanol and direct me to the countries that I love so much. Latin America and a bit of Spain.
To any and all who read this I would say to recommend this trip to anyone and everyone you know. It is beyond counting how many opportunities can rise out of this one week of mind boggling adventure. Maybe adventure is too strong of a word or maybe it isn't - to me it is just exactly what this trip was. There was no Indiana Jones cracking his whip while riding across the Sahara on a camel or anything but it was an adventure nonetheless.
Jon Vaus, Highland County
Reflections - Chase Smith
What an incredible journey once again to the Dominican Republic. This was my third year participating in this 4-H experience. Last year when I was getting on the plane to leave I was already waiting to come again this year. It is such an honor to be able to go on trips such as this one. I learn more and more things about myself each year: becoming a role model, a leader, and most importantly having fun and living every moment like it is your last. This year I was looking forward to coming again, just as much as other years I have attended. I was thrilled to see all my Dominican friends again. The day camp this year was spectacular, I don’t believe it could have gone any smoother or fluent. I was glad to see familiar faces smiling ear to ear knowing that they were going to have a great time this year. I can not thank all the Dominican teens enough for all the help that they provided us. Without them I don’t believe we could have a day camp and do other things that require their assistance! We depend on them every day of the week for them to be there with us. I respect them for everything they do.
One of my most rewarding days is the service project day, because after all the work is done I can look back and see how much of a help it was and know that I made somebody’s day better. When I was mowing along the fence at the school I noticed many people staring and looking at me. All of them were smiling at me; I even had a teenage boy give me a thumbs up!
The trip to Higuey hits me so hard every year, mostly because it makes me wonder about the comparison between my life and theirs. No matter whom it is every time I passed someone on the street they would smile, wave, and respond with, “HOLA!” This program lets me look at the big picture, I have a perfect life compared to what many others have, and they would love to have what I have.
Another one of my favorite events is going to Jean Paul and Joanna's home. This was the second year that they have invited us. We always have a great time, dancing, hanging out with friends, and enjoying a scrumptious Dominican-style meal prepared by their mother. I can't believe how kind their parents are to invite seventeen people to their house! They have also told us that they are planning to come to Virginia this December. I am thrilled to have them come to Virginia!
One thing I will never forget is on the second day of day camp during lunch there were not enough chairs for all the campers and counselors and so I just kneeled down beside one of the two tables our group was at. Then a cute, little boy, Edwin (pictured above), who was in my group, got up from another table and brought his plate over, sat it on the table beside mine, then walked back over to his table and dragged his chair over to where I was kneeling. He sat down and scooted to the side edge of the chair and then patted on the opposite side of the chair telling me to sit with him. I could not believe what just happened. He is the kindest kid I have ever met, I took him under my wing the two days he was there, he always wanted to be with me, and he was like a kid of my own. This showed me that they appreciate what we are doing for them and that they care about us, the counselors, as well!
I would like to thank all my family, friends, businesses, and especially the Virginia 4-H; it was an awesome week, full of work, fun, excitement, and tears with the goodbyes. I really hope to return next year if my college schedule works out. I also want to especially thank the teens and chaperones that also went, you all made it the best week of my year, I had a great time with all of you!
Thanks for another fantastic year,
Chase Smith, Bath County
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Our Last Full Day
For dinner, our group was invited back to Jean Paul and Joanna's home in the Punta Cana village. We had amazing food. (I really don't think their mother could make anything bad.) Then we all took to the dance floor. Dancing and laughing was the perfect way to end our wonderful week.
Contributed by Sarah Wright, Bath County
After splashing into the water, our dive guide quickly pointed out a large barracuda underneath us. We floated off into different directions to see what was around us. Along the reef, there were many types of colorful fish and brain coral.
If desired, we could take off our life vest and dive down deep under. Though the water pressure hurt many of our ears, it was awesome to look up and see the giant turquoise swells above us. The guides were very helpful and often dove to the bottom to bring us a sea urchin to see up close. On the way back, the boat stopped to let us swim on a shallow sandbar. Sand was thrown, conches were found and laughs of joy rang out. It was the first time snorkeling for many of us, and it was greatly enjoyed - sea sickness and all.
Contributed by Julia Billingsly, Highland County
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Exotic Adventure - Higuey
Contributed by Bryan Liskey and Morgan Herr from Shenandoah and Alleghany Counties.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Day Camp Goodbyes
Contributed by: Savanna Herr, Alleghany County and George Miller, Bath County
Monday, July 18, 2011
Iguanas, Tie-Dye, and Water Balloons
The Iguana preserve was something that all the campers were excited about, and it turned out to be a great experience. We were able to go inside the iguanas pen and some of the teens held them.
After the tour of the iguana preserve we went back to the eco center and did crafts. We decorated cups, and colored felt pictures. When we were finished with that, lunch came and it was delicious.
When everyone was finished with lunch, we went outside and started our tie-dye t-shirts. All the campers really seemed to enjoy that, so it was good for everyone.
The best part of the day was the water ballon fight. All the Dominican kids were so excited, when they lost their first ballon and wanted a new one they started a revolt. It was funny because it was all in Spanish and none of the American teens knew what they were saying.
Contributed by Kathryn Flynn, Shenandoah County
I was a counselor for groupo tres and it was fairly large. Our team consisted of George, Savannah, Johanna, and myself. Together we worked with our campers on picture frames, water cups, tie-dying, and a trip to the iguana and animal farms proved to be more than interesting. I would be remiss not to say that the age difference and language barrier proved to be no deterrence when the campers wanted or needed anything, and for that I was glad. Never was there a dull moment was to be found with our group. They were loud, boisterous, and exiteable, but all in all great kids. One girl, by the name of Betsi, is one of my favorite campers. We painted and drew together, tossed water balloons, and played frisbee - all the while communicating through smiles and hands. She spoke no English, but that made no differende when it came to just playing together.
I learned quickly that there are a few girls and one boy in my group that are bilingual and they were more than willing to translate. Even when I couldn't find anyone to help me speak with a camper I was amazed at how much campers could understand from simple gestures and phrases. Never again will I underestimate the power of body language and facial expressions. The campers were such great sports and were never frustrated when I couldn't understand. I'm fairly sure, "No comprende", was my phrase of the day.
Overall, I had a fantastic first day as a counselor. My hands are stained with tie-dye, I have paint and marker up and down my arms, and I am contentedly tired. I cannot wait for tomorrow's pool day and I am looking forward to seeing all of the campers again!
Contributed by - Hallie Harriman, Shenandoah County
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Visit To Veron
Although they have far less than we do, they are content with what they do have and are not greedy. One of the things that really caught my attention was the fact that many of the children did not have shoes or shirts, yet they were not bitter about it.
This program is very special in the sense that it touches the lives of so many children in so many ways. I am very honored to be a part of such a wonderful group.
Contributed by Heather Landes, Shenandoah County
Segundo día
Contributed by Bryan Liskey and Bobby Loveland
Shenandoah County :)
Saturday, July 16, 2011
A Good First Day
This year's group is about half returning participants and half newbies. It's been fun watching the returning teens grow in their leadership skills as they help orient the newbies to the program. It's heartwarming to see them watching out for each other and sharing experiences together.
Thank you for reading our blog. Check back. There is much more to come!
Contributed by Carol Nansel, Shenandoah County 4-H Extension Agent
Visiting My Second Home
I was very excited to come back this year and experience the thrills of the Dominican Republic. When I got here I was so excited to see Jean Paul, Joanna, and Melissa who greeted us upon arrival at the resort. It was also nice to see all the palm trees, the pool, and especially all of the resort employees. The employees all recognized the ones returning and greeted us kindly.
I can not wait for the rest of the week to come. I have already had a blast with all the teens here. It will also be nice to see all of the campers on Monday, hopefully the ones that came before will come again. It will be a busy 2 days with the 50+ kids attending, (the biggest group ever). Tomorrow we will be going to the high school to start our service project, we have been told we are planting around 100 plants. It will be great though interacting with all of the teens and I am glad that Ben Hulefield, the Logistics Coordinator, will be joining us to help.
I have to go now, we are going to swim in the Fresh Water Lagoons. And I would like to thank all of the parents, friends, and family that helped us get here this summer. Remember you are the ones that help us get here to change lives of others.
Contributed by: Chase Smith, Bath County
The worst part of the whole trip: the late nights as we travel to Punta Cana and the late nights traveling back home. Never getting a wholesome sleep is really annoying at times. You try to sleep but then someone talking or the movement of whatever vehicle you're in, whether it be an airplane or a van, and you're up again wishing you were asleep. Airport experiences are great and fun but they can only be half enjoyed or appreciated when you're half awake.
The 14th of July is my birthday, and it also happened to be the day that we left for the Dominican Republic. So I had friends over and we had a bonfire then I was right back with friends driving to Reagan International Airport. I met up with old friends from last year and made new friends of the 'new recruits'.
At Reagan we enjoyed various breakfasts such as breakfast burritos, hot paninis, fresh out of the oven Cinnabon's, Dunkin' Donuts, fresh fruit, and multiple other choices. Then we waited for awhile enjoying whatever airport breakfast suited our fancy. After an hour and a half(or so) wait we boarded our plane for Charlotte where we were unsure of the departure time after being told it was around 1:00. Nevertheless, thinking intelligently, we headed straight for our departure gate where everyone was already boarding the plane. Needless to say, we were relieved at our choice. That is, until we all got hungry on the plane. That plane ride consisted of sleeping then waking up, because someone bumped your seat from behind, to the hum of the engines and the hushed voices of people.
When we started flying over the Dominican Republic I felt relieved to finally see the green of our destination after seeing the endless blue ocean that clearly meant that we had more to fly.
Greeted by a blast of hot air and VIP customs skipping we were loaded onto a bus and were off to the resort where I finally felt like I could relax. As any five star Caribbean resort you have palm tree lined walkways leading to the breezy beaches of the Caribbean with all the buildings thatched and open walled. I felt like I was back in paradise. Relaxation in the sun for the rest of the day ended in a well deserved sleep after 38 hours or more of being awake with little sleep.
Contributed by:
Jon Vaus
Highland County
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
What is this program?
We offer this 4-H program in partnership with the Punta Cana Center for Sustainability and Biodiversity at the Punta Cana Ecological Foundation, of which Virginia Tech is a research partner. We began this program in 2006 and the current program involves 4-H teens from Shenandoah, Bath, Highland and Alleghany counties.
Contributed by Carol Nansel, Shenandoah Co. 4-H Agent